Unimpressed Newborn Gives Doctors the Stink eуe Right After Birth

A Brazilian baby didn’t seem too happy to be here.

The baby girl, born on Feb. 13, wasn’t too fond of her arrival. Captured by photographer Rodrigo Kunstmann, the newborn baby can be seen staring down the doctor, umbilical cord still attached.

Baby Isabela Pereira de Jesus was born at a Rio de Janeiro hospital via caesarean section, news.com.au reported.


Kunstmann was hired by mom Daiane de Jesus Barbosa to document the beautiful day.

“She opened her eyes wide but did not cry,” the photographer told Brazilian magazine Crescer. “The doctor even had to say, ‘Cry, Isa!’

“She made that serious expression and only started crying after the umbilical cord was cut.”

Kunstmann shared a series of 10 photos of the newborn baby and her excited parents to his Facebook page. So far, the serious child has become quite the Internet sensation.

“Maybe she was just born with an attitude,” one Facebook user commented. “She’s not taking sh-t, even from the doctors.”

Another wrote: “I’m wondering if the baby was thinking, ‘put me back in. I was comfortable where I was.’”


A Facebook user even hypothesized that her look is one of having been here before, writing: “That’s the look of reincarnation. Oh no! Not this place again!”

The grumpy baby even has her own Instagram account now, featuring the viral photos, as well as snapshots of her early life.