Nevada’s Ancient Giant: Unearthing the 40-Ton Ichthyosaur Fossil from 2.5 Million Years Ago

Ichthyosaur fossil found in Nevada now named for brewery founder

Tom Young, left, and Dr. Martin Sander ѕtапd next o a replica of the ichthysosaur ѕkᴜɩɩ found in Nevada.

Provided By Tom Young

іпіtіаɩ excavation of the site was done by Bonn University students.

Provided By Tom Young/Special To The RGJ

The pit where the ichthyosaur fossil was found in Nevada.

Provided By Tom Young/Special To The RGJ

Bonda Young’s finger is used for scale next to a tooth of the ichthyosaur fossil found in Nevada

Provided By Tom Young/Special To The RGJ

Excavation of the pit where the fossil was found.

Provided By Tom Young/Special To The RGJ

Preparing the fossil for transport to the Natural History Museum

Provided By Tom Young/Special To The RGJ

An ichthyosaur fossil was transported to the Natural History Museum in Los Angeles in a Great Basin Brewery truck.

Provided By Tom Young/ Special To The RGJ