Invisible Chains: The Agonizing Tale of a Dog’s Tail Ьoᴜпd by a tіɡһt Chain, Leading to ѕweɩɩіпɡ and Infestation by Thousands of Ticks


Blossom, the hardy dog, was discovered by a compassionate OrphanPet volunteer in Greece, where she had been roaming the streets for weeks, if not months. Upon finding her, it was evident that Blossom urgently needed help, as she was in very bad condition.



One of the most concerning problems was a wire chain lodged firmly in its tail, causing it to swell enormously over time. Additionally, Blossom was covered in thousands of ticks, leading to a blood test that revealed dangerously thin blood due to parasites. Without intervention, her chances of survival were slim.



Fortunately, the OrphanPet team sprang into action upon realizing the urgency of Blossom’s situation. They provided him with a life-saving blood transfusion and made the difficult decision to amputate his tail to prevent further suffering. Removing the ticks proved to be a laborious process, as it took almost a week to meticulously remove each one.



However, Blossom’s resilience and the dedicated efforts of her rescuers paid off. Thanks to his remarkable transformation, he emerged from his ordeal in fantastic health. Additionally, he found companionship among other dogs during his journey to recovery.



But perhaps the most touching part of Blossom’s story is her adoption. Thanks to the efforts of OrphanPet and the kindness of her new family, Blossom now has a forever home where she can fully enjoy her second chance at life. His journey from an abandoned stray pet to a beloved pet is a testament to the power of compassion and rescue efforts.



Blossom’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of organizations like OrphanPet and the dedicated volunteers who work tirelessly to save animals in need. It is a story of hope, resilience and the transformative impact of love and care.


