Scarred Yet Strong: Dog Endures Brutal Attack, Losing Both Ears in Heartrending Ordeal, Striving for Healing. tm

After a dog was brutally attacked by two other dogs, Greenville County Animal Care put out an urgent call for a volunteer to transport an injured dog to a veterinary clinic. Animal lover Fran Alexay Rizzo answered the call.



Legend was rescued after two women found him during a walk near his home. They decided to investigate and saw two Pit Bulls attacking the dog. They intervened, called animal control, and the three dogs were taken to Greenville County Animal Care.

When Fran Alexay Rizzo first saw Legend, he was covered in blood and bite marks. His left ear had been torn off and his right ear was hanging by a thread and bleeding profusely. But Legend was still alive, wagging his tail over his body.



“You could see all the puncture wounds from the shoulders down,” Rizzo told The Greenville News. “A couple of the wounds were deep and blood was gushing out.”



But Legend is a fighter and he made it through his first night. Over several days, he underwent multiple surgeries and a feeding tube was placed. As his medical bills increased, Rescue Dogs Rock NYC stepped up to help pay his medical bills. Jackie O’Sullivan, co-founder of the group, said: “We are thrilled with the outcome and glad he is alive. It is a miraculous story and it has touched many people.”



Legend’s heartwarming recovery is a testament to his spirit. His wounds are slowly but surely healing, and she constantly wags her tail, showing affection and gratitude.



Fran says she thinks about staying with Legend every day because the two have bonded so closely. But she knows she can’t continue fostering other dogs for Greenville County Animal Care because they desperately need foster care.