Stealing the Spotlight: Divers Left Astounded by the ᴜпexрeсted Discovery of an ᴜпᴜѕᴜаɩ Fish, Unfolding an Intriguing Underwater Tale .QN

Relatively recently, scientists learned about the existence of giant protozoa the size of a child’s fist . It turned out that these protozoa absolutely dominate the bottom ecosystems of some areas. They build themselves a “house” of silt, sticking it on themselves, and thus look like lumps. This is where the amoeba comocea got its name from.



The most unique organisms we expect to find are the so-called gelatinous organisms . From the word jelly. Jellyfish, fungal worms and other organisms that are difficult to even lift to the surface. When scientists began using camera traps and submersibles, a whole new world opened up to us.

We saw simply huge sea animals . Their body exceeds half a meter in length, and the tentacles can reach tens of meters – to make it easier to obtain food when there is a very small amount of it. Such organisms are found almost everywhere in the ocean at depths of two to three thousand meters .



The deeper the ocean, the less food there is, and, accordingly, it is more difficult for animals to live. They preserve themselves in these conditions in different ways. The most common method of self-preservation is saturating the body with water. Jellyfish are always saturated with water, but the same thing happens in the depths of the ocean with fish and crustaceans. These are outwardly gigantic creatures, but there is no “meat” in them, only water . And therefore the food requirements are minimal. I think they are capable of frightening with their appearance, although they are absolutely harmless.

The same cannot be said about the amazing deep-sea sharks . We don’t know them very well, but they are very aggressive creatures . They are extremely difficult to catch, we have an idea about them thanks to deep camera traps.



The shark itself is small – maximum 50-70 cm in length. Looks like a big cigar. On one side it ends in a hole, which is dotted in a circle with two rows of sharp, dagger-like teeth (pictured). These sharks attack whales when they dive deep in search of food, and simply bite pieces of meat out of them. Such predators are found at a depth of three to five thousand meters .

But there are no dinosaurs in the ocean . This can be said definitely, because there is simply no basis for their existence.