A гагe and Remarkable Occurrence: Albino Sea Turtle Hatches at Six Senses Con dаo, Inspiring Awe and Wonder


Blanche is a Chelonia Mydas turtle (green sea turtle) born with hypopigmentation syndrome, a rare genetic condition that causes reduced melanin in her skin and shell (the pigment that determines skin color, hair and eyes in humans and animals). Although there are no exact figures on the incidence of leukorrhea in sea turtles, it is recognized that juvenile turtles with the syndrome are very rare, and some marine biologists estimate the incidence. is one of hundreds of thousands of sea turtle eggs hatched.



Albino sea turtles are born at Six Senses Con Dao

Even under the most favorable conditions, baby sea turtles face countless challenges until they reach adulthood. After hatching, the baby turtles must cross the beach to return to the ocean, avoiding crabs and birds, before continuing past countless fish and marine wildlife, to avoid falling prey to them. . Additionally, one of the biggest risks to sea turtle populations globally today is the threat posed by humans, stemming from poaching, pollution, fishing activities, and destruction. destroying natural habitat for turtles.



Not only does Blanche face the mountain of challenges above, but also the difficulties that arise due to her natural camouflage ability being limited by hypopigmentation, which makes her white and vulnerable to predators. detection, especially in aquatic environments. Baby turtles with leukoplakia often suffer from various deformities, which for Blanche also included poor vision.



As a rare and beautiful baby sea turtle, Six Senses Con Dao hopes that Blanche will overcome all challenges to return to the ocean, living a long and happy journey.



Albino sea turtles are born at Six Senses Con Dao