After Escaping a ѕɩаᴜɡһteгһoᴜѕe with Muzzled and іпjᴜгed Snout, Dog’s Life Undergoes Profound Transformation Post-гeѕсᴜe, һіɡһɩіɡһtіпɡ Empathy and Upbringing’s deeр іпfɩᴜeпсe .nh

This is how little Mo was found. Like so many others, Mo fell victim to the illegal dog meat trade in Bali.

The pup was discovered battered and half-dead in a gutter in Bali.

Mo’s most challenging physical problem was repairing his snout after all the pain and torture he had endured.


The wire had cut off blood circulation, and the flesh was withering away. His nose was meticulously sutured in place, along with skin grafts.

His lips were sealed with adhesive tape, and a shoelace was used to tie his hind legs.


  • His nose was meticulously sutured in place, along with skin grafts, as he was rushed to surgery.Having been through so much, the team wasn’t sure if he would survive such an exhausting surgery.


Mo began to recover gradually as a result of rehabilitation, time, and love.

He started gaining weight, improved his blood flow, and regained sensitivity in his snout. He regained self-confidence, and his personality shone. Despite the suffering he had experienced, Mo became the beautiful dog he had always been. Sweet, affectionate, and yet trusting in humans, Mo became the adorable dog she had always been.




The beautiful, affectionate, and trusting dog Mo had always thrived despite the suffering she had experienced. Sweet, affectionate, and yet trusting in humans, Mo became the adorable dog she had always been.

Mo was soon adopted by a loving and caring family.


Mo now lives her best life with a kind human couple who lavish her with love, attention, toys, and plenty of treats.

The first night she was home, she slept for 10 straight hours on her father’s bed! During the day, she plays with her dog siblings, eats delicious food, and receives many hugs.

Thanks to all the wonderful people who helped Mo, she’s finally living the life every dog deserves.