Dog’s tᴜmoг Removed in Record-Ьгeаkіпɡ ѕᴜгɡeгу

When Nina arrived at Wright Manner Rescue in late November, her story was one of pain and suffering, but it would soon transform into a tale of resilience and recovery. She was taken in as part of a cruelty confiscation in North Memphis, and her condition was nothing short of dire.

Nina carried a heavy burden, both metaphorically and literally, in the form of a 13lb tumor hanging from her stomach. In addition to this sizable growth, she also had two smaller tumors along her left mammary chain.


Her situation was critical, with emaciation, a high temperature, and a severe skin infection on her haunches and tail. The urgency to prepare her for surgery was paramount, as every day that passed increased the risk of the tumor rupturing.

Despite the challenges and anxiety surrounding Nina’s case, the dedicated team at Wright Manner Rescue knew that time, patience, and expert veterinary care were crucial. They embarked on a journey to save Nina, starting with comprehensive testing and meticulous pre-surgical care.


They had to ensure that Nina’s weight reached a suitable level to withstand the impending surgery. These efforts were made to improve her chances of surviving a procedure that was expected to involve significant blood loss and carried a higher-than-usual fatality risk.

Miraculously, their dedication paid off. On December 8th, Nina underwent major surgery, and she emerged from it with flying colors. The relief and joy were palpable, not only among the rescue team but for all those who had followed Nina’s journey.


Following her successful surgery, Nina was placed under the care of one of Wright-Manner’s exceptional medical foster families, where she has been thriving ever since. The love and care she received from her foster family played a significant role in her remarkable recovery.

Subsequent biopsy results brought a glimmer of relief – the smaller tumors were benign. However, the larger one was identified as a soft tissue sarcoma, reinforcing the importance of the timely intervention and comprehensive care Nina received.


While her journey had its share of challenges, Nina’s story ultimately illustrates the resilience of animals and the transformative impact of compassionate rescue efforts.

Nina’s journey serves as a testament to the incredible strength and tenacity of animals and the unwavering dedication of those who strive to make a difference in their lives.


Her transformation from a life of pain and suffering to one of recovery and happiness is a heartwarming reminder of the profound impact that compassionate rescue organizations and individuals can have on the lives of our furry friends.

Nina’s story is a beacon of hope, demonstrating that with the right care and support, even the most challenging cases can have a happy and heartwarming ending.