Fierce Attack: Witness the Astonishing Cheetah’s Predatory Mastery, a Showcase of Nature’s Unyielding Power

62-year-old consultant, Deon Hoon, showcases his passion for photography through his remarkable skill in capturing extraordinary wildlife moments. One such instance was when he documented a remarkable sighting of a cheetah hunting at Pilanesberg.

Deon shared his story with “This marked only my second encounter with a cheetah hunting. I previously observed a complete hunt from start to finish at Rietvlei Nature Reserve GP.

We arrived at Ratlhogo hide just after 7 am and secured the prime observation spot for the morning. Despite some zebra, guinea fowl, and impala sightings, the morning seemed relatively quiet.

A breeding herd of elephants, including young ones, provided us with excellent photographic opportunities. Suddenly, someone entered the hide and informed us that Rain’s cubs (Rain being a well-known cheetah in Pilanesberg) were spotted in the parking lot. We speculated that they might be thirsty and looking to drink water.

However, having a cellphone in the hide proved to be a distraction. While I was attending to some messages, I heard a commotion and a splash beneath the hide. One of the cubs had chased an impala, and unfortunately, I missed capturing the moment! I was greatly disappointed and could only photograph a very wet cheetah. Determined not to miss another opportunity, I adjusted my settings and waited.

As some impalas cautiously approached the water, they appeared alert. Suddenly, the cheetah launched its attack. I went into overdrive, capturing the unfolding drama. The adrenaline truly surged when I reviewed the images on my camera later.

It dawned on me that the cheetah briefly concealed itself under a bush, confusing the impala and causing it to retreat. The unfortunate prey attempted to leap over the cheetah, only to be caught mid-air.

Subsequently, the other two cubs joined, and together they dragged the kill away from the site to feast. Those 58 seconds felt like an eternity.