Gorgeous Homebirth Triumph Following Cesarean Deliverya

This birth was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve ever captured. The Parsons spent so much time prepping for their 2nd birth, which they hoped would be an HBAC (Homebirth after cesarean.) It was really important to them for everyone in attendance to believe in their ability to birth their baby. Tanya’s first birth experience ended in an unplanned hospital transfer and crash cesarean. It left her with a lot of emotions to work through, and this birth experience was extremely important in helping with that.

They welcomed a beautiful baby girl at the beginning of November. It was amazing to capture the support and empowerment of their birth. Everyone encouraged mom along in her labor and it was a beautiful moment when both parents were overcome with joy and relief once they had their baby girl in their arms.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about the midwives in attendance. Without their knowledge and skill, this homebirth would not have been possible. Their expertise in birthing spaces is crucial for limiting un-necessary interventions during birth and increasing access to all types of birth (Hospital, Home, and Birth Centers). When you have providers who genuinely believe in a woman’s ability to bring her baby into the world, we can start to change the birthing climate/culture one baby at a time.

















