IпсгedіЬɩe eпсoᴜпteг: Gecko’s Cunning Camouflage fаіɩѕ to Fool Snake’s ѕһагр Senses! Camera Captures Astonishing Moment as Snake Preys on Chameleon During Tree Branch eпсoᴜпteг .QN

They have the ability to change colour to create a cunning disguise. But this little chameleon came unstuck when it came up against a venomous snake on a single tree branch. The fearless serpent snuck up on the reptile and swallowed it whole in one gulp. Photographer, Jacobus Albertus Slabbert, 37, from Central Kalahari, Botswana, witnessed the moment. The safari lodge manager said: ‘I saw a chameleon in distress and then when I looked a little closer I noticed the snake.



Uh-oh! A flap necked chameleon was resting on a single tree branch when the sneaky snake appeared




Busted! The reptile appeared to give a look of fear as it realised there was no escape



Time is up: The female Boomslang snake envenomated the chameleon and waited for the venom to take effect ‘Luckily I had my camera close by and I could enjoy the show.’ Mr Slabbert said the female Boomslang snake envenomated a flap necked chameleon and waited for the venom to take effect. ‘It has a short fight with her pray and then swallows it whole,’ he recounted. ‘My favourite picture is the one where you can see the chameleon’s fear and the snake shows no compassion. ‘My big concern was not to interfere with the event, as I believe we should only observe, and not alter any behaviour in the animals we photograph. ‘My life is dedicated to showcase Africa’s wildlife and to share these experiences with the world.’



No use: The reptile appeared to change colour into a spotty yellow and black but the camouflage did not help



Gulp! The snake expanded to swallow the reptile whole while clinging on to the tree



Slippery: The snake appeared to have no trouble digesting the unfortunate chameleon



Almost there: After swallowing the reptile whole there was just its tail left to consume



Satisfied: The slippery creature had a noticeable bump after swallowing its catch