Intriguing Encounters: The Curious іпсіdeпt of a Large Thai Lizard Scaling a рoweг Pole and the Surprising Twist That Followed .QN

Giormo Asia’s water-powered lizard was chased down a communication pole by a pack of dogs yesterday in a village in Sara Bυri province, central Thailand.

The giant reptile climbed the pole where it was chased and bitten by a pack of stray dogs, but was run over and had to be rescued.

The Tυa Hia also know that Tυa Ngerð Tυa Toðg was beaten against a post outside a house in the Mυeaðg district for an entire hour, attracting a crowd of villagers.



Villagers worried that the animal could be electrocuted and suffer the same fate as three slow lorises in Sogkhla province. On the other hand, the villagers were worried that the animal’s efforts could damage the village’s electrical system and cause a power outage.


The horse’s owner, Sυwit Yaemυbo, called two rescue workers to recover the motor lizard, but it was an easy task. Rescue workers climbed a ladder and tied a rope around the lizard before touching its mouth. They then took the lizard down, off the back of a motorcycle, and released it into a less urban area, where it would hopefully not be attacked by soi dogs.



Swit said he was walking outside his faith when he saw the lizard sitting nearby. He feared that she would try to break his horse, so he began to chase her away. A pack of soi dogs joined the chase, biting the lizard, which fled down the pole.



Most of the time, human and motor lizards tend to move away quite harmoniously from the urban areas of Thailand. However, sometimes problems can arise. In March, one of the largest Asian water engines ever recorded, weighing 100 kilograms, disturbed a house in Nakho province, Si Thammarat, in southernmost Thailand.