The World’s Largest Snail: Surpassing the Length of a Human агm, Unveiling Nature’s Astonishing Wonders .QN

The giant African land snail is the largest land snail in the world. It can grow to be more than a foot long. Achatına achatına, Archachatına margınata and Lıssachatına fulıca are the three huge species referred to by the common name. They are all members of the Achatınıdae family.



Even after reaching maturity, they continue to gain weight and will do so until the time they pass. Adults that have reached their maximum size typically reach a diameter of 2.8 inches (7 cm) and a length of 7.9 inches (20 cm). Some of them are considered larger.



The annual egg production of giant African land snails can reach up to 1,200.



They have a possible useful life of ten years.