Observing a mother nurture twins within her, followed by the birth of two infants, is truly awe-inspiring. Contemplating TWO tiny babies residing within their mother, sharing a womb, and forming a connection well before they come into this world fills me with an overwhelming sense of wonder.
I love this moment. Mom labors with Baby B, as she holds Baby A in her arms. I wish more providers would wait patiently for moms to deliver vaginally. This photo and the gorgeous photo of both babies earthside below by Aly Renee Photography.
These two little sweeties are taking an herbal bath with their parents after birth. Gorgeous сарtᴜгe by Aly Renee Photography.
At this һoѕріtаɩ, it was the first time skin to skin had been done by dad in the Operating Room with twins. Photo by Jennifer Mason Photography.
Doctor and midwife work together to bring these twins earthside. Photo by Monet Nicole.
I love how twins are always reaching for each other. A bond that is formed long before birth. Photo by Birth Unscripted.
Friends for life. Another photo showing the twins reaching for each other. It kind of melts my һeагt. Photo by Dorothea Schulz Photography.