USS Key West (SSN-722) is a submarine of the United States Navy, belonging to the Los Angeles class. In the RIMPAC 2004 exercise, the submarine was operated to perform various naval maneuvers, including operating at periscope depth.
iscope is extended above the surface of the water, allowing the crew to visually observe their surroundings while remaining submerged. This technique is used to maintain stealth and avoid detection by enemy ships and aircraft.
During RIMPAC 2004, the USS Key West demonstrated its proficiency in operating at periscope depth, showcasing the capabilities and readiness of the United States Navy. The exercise also provided an opportunity for international naval forces to collaborate and improve their tactics and procedures.
Overall, the USS Key West’s participation in RIMPAC 2004 was a testament to the Navy’s commitment to maintaining a strong and capable submarine force, capable of operating in a variety of scenarios and environments.